
36 yrs young im white live in texas work hard and play hard I respect everyone kinks and secret fetish I've reached the point that I don't judge ppl and more open with ppl I'd like to make some friends on here and hopefully friend individuals or perfect would join a group girls and guys trannys too I'm open to experiment that's goal is to safely work as a group to idk fulfill everyone in the groups fantastys obviously the ppl imlooking for have my mentality not judgmental open to try just about anything also I'm great team player hopefully jsome1 reads this and is interested in going all out he'll the group could be set up anyway we wanted we can make it like a porn set that's be. Cool I like pornstars and I'm down. To make content private or public I'm cool with just the experience got to go all it takes is one person committed to this group like me and it'll grow wish peace and hot sex for everyone